Digital Sustainability

Digital + Sustainability

The DIZ Executive Board has established sustainability and climate change, and in particular digital’s role in addressing these, as a priority area of focus for the years ahead.

Digital can enable us to #domoregood and positively address, not only the perceived negative environmental impacts of technology, but also the drive to exponentially cut carbon emissions leading up to 2030.

The first step for the DIZ was the delivery of its ‘How Can Digital help Save The Planet?’ Smart Place Seminar. Bringing together expert voices on digital and sustainability, the seminar launched the development of a DIZ Sustainable Digital Charter. This charter will create a set of principles and pledges that the public sector partners of the DIZ can sign up to and will guide the DIZ sustainability work programme.

The DIZ has worked with Mobile UK to develop a set of co-branded guidance documents around 5G use cases. these guides include ‘How 5G will help the environment’ and ‘How 5G can help meet the climate change challenge’

For more information please contact Mike Warr, the DIZ Programme Manager, at or on 01992 564472

Sustainable Digital Special Interest Group (SIG)

A Sustainable Digital Special Interest Group (SIG) has been established to guide the DIZ work programme on Digital Sustainability. Terms of Reference have been agreed and the membership and leadership of the SIG confirmed. The SIG will establish the priority actions for the DIZ as well as lead the development of the proposed Sustainable Digital Charter. Updates on its work programme and activity will be posted here.

For further information, please contact Mike Warr, the DIZ Programme Manager at

Smart Place Seminar 'How Can Digital Help Save the Planet?'

Flyer graphic for the How Can Digital Help Save the Planet?' Smart Place Seminar event depicting a pixelated tree and the logos of the speakers from CGI, Microsoft, Mobile UK and JacobsThe DIZ Smart Place Seminar ‘How Can Digital Help Save the Planet? took place in May 2022, featuring guest speakers and presentations from Microsoft, CGI, Jacobs and Mobile UK, the industry body for the four main Mobile Network operators (MNOs).

Over 80 individuals from local, national and international organisations registered to attend the event which looked at key issues around digital and sustainability including the value of data in addressing climate change, the future of working from home, how 5G connectivity can support efforts to reduce carbon emissions and how digital can drive out sustainable outcomes. There was also a hugely insightful Q&A session and a set of workshops to explore what collective efforts might be agreed to address climate change. The Executive Report from the event has now been published and distributed and can be downloaded from the DIZ Resources page.